krissy fon ronsenburg
(of dalmasca!)

it’s krissy! 💕
i spend most of my time talking about ace attorney, final fantasy, and fe3h.
sometimes i even write things!

quick about: 30, bisexual and non-binary, I present as female and use she/her or they/them pronouns. married to someone not in fandom. really bad at watching anime, so most content I interact with comes from jrpgs and television. I’ve been writing fic since I was 14… I’ve gotten much better at it since then, too.

you won’t want to follow if: you’re homophobic or transphobic, you support discrimination of any kind, or if you engage with content that is pedophilic or incestuous in nature. I’m too busy to police who follows me, but if any of these apply to you, I won’t be following back at any point.

HOWEVER, please ALSO don’t follow if you feel that harassment is ever the appropriate way to handle an interaction with someone who feels differently than you. this is bullying, even if it’s in regards to an issue you think is self-evident or in keeping with basic internet safety. ostracism is the quickest path to radicalism—threatening or arguing with someone won’t stop them from producing content you don’t agree with, it will only encourage further arguments and worse behavior. it won’t educate people, it won’t protect anyone from the content in contention—it will only make you into someone who feels it’s appropriate to send death threats to a real life person over fictional characters.

if, in your mind, this makes me a “pedophile-apologist” it’s obviously better that we don’t interact. the blame of sexual assault lies on the predator, not the victim or content producers on the internet. and I say this as a survivor of repeated sexual assault as a minor: I will always prioritize the mental health of the actual humans behind the computer screen over the treatment of a fictional character.

I am always willing, though, to explain my position further over DM if requested!

( Made with Carrd )